my spirit

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



Something i can smell here.. In my blog.. Someone always stalked my blog..Hehehe. But i don't mind because what i wrote that always from my heart, emotion, and what i am thinking.. For the first time i involved to be blogger, i always wrote entry about my feelings toward someone..

Someone yang i don't know still remind me or not.. Still love me or not or always want to hide himself from me..Hurmm, maybe he hate me so much for a long time ago when we still in relationship.. Hahaha.. I am just to be me, and with him, i tried so hard to be like he want.. Maybe i was failed and we're lost contact each other.

I can't blame him or me.. Maybe this takdir that Allah write for me..And for that i just hold one sentence until now, "If we're meant for each others, we will together wherever we go, whatever we through to reach this meeting again." That's was i hold until now. But i not hoping anything because when i tried so hard to go through this dugaan from Allah, everything i can think very well and maybe sometimes my childish thoughts out of my head..

Honestly, i never forget him in my life.. Even not as a special one, but i was remind he as my close friend.. Even he did so much to me, i still never forget him.. Not all the thing was bad to me, it's still have a good thing that he done for me.. Thanks to u dude..

I'm not sure if he still read my blog.. But if he read, please don't angry with me anymore.. Please don't hate me anymore.. That's my wish to him..Many people said to me, please let the old memories go away..Let them go.. But for me, that memories keep sentimental value for me..

Ya, ya,'s not good, but trust me, it was only be my memories..Percaya tak yang i still keep everything about him..Hahaha.. Sesetengah person will throw all the things but not me...Walaupun tiada yang bernilai pun, it's still value to me..

Hurmm, maybe someday i will do that.. Throw all things that have connected to him..But one thing u should know, we can't buy memories.. :)

gracias for read! :)


Anonymous said...

die ade blog ke kak akma?


Akmar said...

ladyana: ntah..akak pun tk pasti..

Anonymous said...

g00d luck f0r that..=>

Anonymous said...

dulu2 ade ke die gune blog?
atau myspace ke fb ke?

x contact die terus ke?
sabar la ok.
semoga baik utk akak dan untuk die.


Akmar said...

anonymous: thanks dear.. :')

Akmar said...

ladyana: hahaha..entah la na..akak tak die sangat la, even jadi gf die dulu, byk bende yang secreto..forget it! :)

Anonymous said...

dengan gf pn rahsia?
akak x de jumpe die lg sekarang ni?
akak x cuba cari die?


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